Dont get fascinated by the title and think it is going to be a mind free blog talking about the youthful india... definitely not an easy going topic... but a factor of inner cautiousness and truth blurted in the raw form...
If you are a management student, you would have been constantly pestered with talks about the youthful people in india in comparison with china and other developed and developing countries.. it looks as an interesting point of concern when the professor talks like we are the pillars of the countries... being in early twenties.. yes i can call myself as a youth. how exactly is these pillars ???? a billion dollar question... we are strong pillars of future india.. accepted.. but we are pillars supporting the old, broken , fragmented and almost scalded piece of nothing but shit.
The fact of India... the average age of an Indian - 29, more than 50 % is below 25 and 60 % below 30... interesting isn't it... now here comes the even more interesting part...the average age of MLA in India is 59 and average age of MP is 64.. what does this represent ???? Youthful India.... ? There is one cliche reply for every Indian youth... for a question.. why no politics.. cos it's drainage..some say as ditch.... Yes it is... but we always forget the fact that we are just representing this shit ditch to the external world and we can only praise that we are pure to ourself. Am not asking any to get into the ditch and clean it.. even am not ready to do... but make sure you dont add your own latrine to the public shit. that solves most of the impurity in the society... Politics isn't all about the power and post ... it's about how you want to see your own society... If you have the guts to raise your voice against a chotu being tortured by his master and bring a livelihood to his life.. you are a politician at that time, give a voice and fight against stereotyping a girl.. you are not only a politician but also a human with humanitarian concern...
Imbibing Western culture is good but imbibe things which brings betterment and makes you a better person... dress for a men / women is for not showing his/ her extravagant physique or glamour but for his basic necessity of not being stark naked ( which these days people dress is almost so ) and for chastity.....
Fuck, Asshole, MF,SF, STFU,LMAO, APOS, SOB, Bastard, Bitch, slut,etc ... all these words are used by us.. the so called youths of India... more than the westerners.. is it a sign of mastery of your language... i bet 99 % of people who uses these words are bloody weak in the language... these are a very small day to day routine things which we see as a westerner's influence.. inclusive of drugs,booze, smoke, etc etc.... and this list is way high... we are free forgetting the good aspects of the westerners influence.. Respect for Human, Humanitarian Concern, Faith, Trust, more than that the amount of respect and indepth relationship they have for Friendship... none imbibes these... i wish we atleast retain the original traits of India.. There is a common appearance as terrorist and muslims idolised as a single entity... why ???? they are fellow human like us with a different religion.. that's it... In my life personally speaking, i have the best and most sensible people who are all muslims... and leave all the traits of them... why not imbibe the wonderful quality of brotherhood from them... there is a saying evil is powerful and people see what they want to see... i can just relate everyone to it... including me... simple example.. if a friend ditches you at a moment, we just fight with them or wait and ditch them or simply mess up the friendship, rather stay silent and walk out of the moment... later you will know there is lots of good moments with them... momentary madness and our senses are the biggest weapon of insanity and evil against our own.
We call ourself as country with various diversity... The only diversity i have seen is in categorising people into 4 types... Sardar, Kalasi, Chinki and Madrasi... Stereotyping at the best.. and National Language to every Indian is English not hindi or any other regional language... We are growing isnt it...
This is not a post for a public audience.... but a post which trobes me always yet finding myself lost in somewhere... not cos of ignorance because of fellow you all....
It's high time that we need to refrain the thoughts of insanity and work on the possible small infinitesimal things which can be done from our side... else our dream of mighty india by 2020 is just a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream like inception and finally get lost in Limbo stage... just like Leonardo Di Caprio....
To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. “I will drink the ocean”, says the persevering soul; “at my will mountains will crumble up”. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.
- Swami Vivekananda
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